At Crimson Refrigeration Inc., we specialize in delivering top-notch refrigeration solutions for both commercial and industrial needs.
Crimson Refrigeration, Inc.
E-Mail: info@crimsoninc.com

Non-Discrimination Policy
Effective Date: August, 2024
At Crimson Refrigeration Inc., we are committed to creating and maintaining a workplace and service environment that values diversity and fosters inclusion. This non-discrimination policy outlines how we uphold these values and ensure fairness and equality for all employees, clients, and partners.
1. Policy Statement
Crimson Refrigeration Inc. prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, marital status, disability, veteran status, genetic information, or any other status protected under applicable local, state, or federal law. This policy applies to all aspects of our employment practices and service provisions, including hiring, termination, promotion, compensation, benefits, and training.
2. Commitment to Equal Opportunity
We are committed to providing equal opportunities for employment and advancement in all of our departments and facilities. It is our policy to promote from within the company whenever possible, ensuring that all employees have the opportunity to rise to their highest level of potential.
3. Anti-Harassment
Crimson Refrigeration Inc. strives to provide a work environment free from harassment. Harassment in any form, including verbal, physical, or visual harassment related to any of the aforementioned protected characteristics, is strictly prohibited and will be met with appropriate disciplinary action.
4. Reasonable Accommodation
We recognize the importance of providing reasonable accommodations to applicants and employees who have physical or mental disabilities, provided that such accommodation does not impose an undue hardship on the company. We are committed to engaging in a cooperative dialogue to accommodate such needs.
5. Complaint Procedure
Employees or clients who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed are encouraged to report such incidents to their supervisor, Human Resources, or any member of management with whom they feel comfortable. All complaints will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible during the investigation process.
6. Retaliation
Retaliation against an individual for reporting discrimination or harassment or for participating in an investigation of a claim of discrimination or harassment is a serious violation of this policy and, like discrimination or harassment itself, will be subject to disciplinary action.
7. Policy Administration
This policy will be widely distributed to all employees and will be prominently posted throughout the company. Training on this policy and the prevention of discrimination and harassment will be provided on a regular basis.
8. Modifications
This policy may be amended at any time, without notice, at the discretion of Crimson Refrigeration Inc.
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Crimson Refrigeration, Inc. will not discriminate the provision of services with respect to age, race, color, religion, military status, gender, gender preference, genetic information, marital status, national origin, disability, or source of payment. Content, including images, displayed on this website is protected by copyright laws. Downloading, republication, retransmission or reproduction of content on this website is strictly prohibited.
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Crimson Refrigeration, Inc.
E-Mail: info@crimson.inc
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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